SnitchSeeker – October 2005
When your friends first found out you were cast in the Harry Potter movies, how did they react?
Matt: They were just as crazy as me. They were really happy for me!
Are you going to be in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? If so, what scene are you most looking forward to shooting?
Matt: I think the entire final sequence at the Ministry of Magic is going to a lot of fun and I’m really looking forward to how everything looks.
Obviously your character is going to become stronger as the books and movies continue – are you looking forward to portraying that challenge on screen?
Matt: Definitely. I am really looking forward to having some challenging scenes and also some more funny ones too. I always thought that Neville had a lot to offer and he proved that in book 5 so I really cannot wait to get back to work.
In all the actors that you have worked with who was the best and why?
Matt: I have worked with so many great people. I really liked working with Alan Rickman because I grew up watching him in Die Hard, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, etc. and to see him at work was great.
What’s it like working with the adult actors? Have you ever been intimidated? Have they given you good advice?
Matt: It is really great working with all these great people and I do get pretty intimidated because these people are big names and they are so good at what they do you really don’t want to mess up in front of them.
Who do you spend the most time with off-set?
Matt: James & Oliver Phelps and Devon Murray.
If you were to start a rock band with Daniel and Rupert, what would you call it?
Matt: That’s a tough one, I dunno. ‘The Trio’, maybe??
How often are you recognized in the streets?
Matt: Not often. It’s not too bad and I like it like that. If someone does recognise I’m happy to talk to them but it’s good to be able to just go out and be normal again.
What is the craziest thing that a fan as ever done to you?
Matt: Gave me a pepper with loads of little messages written on it.
What would you be doing if you weren’t in the Harry Potter movies?
Matt: Schoolwork, watching TV and playing football. But I do all those things anyway as well as Harry Potter. As a job I don’t know what kind of job I would have had.
Where do you see yourself after the Harry Potter movies?
Matt: I really have no idea. I am still at school doing my A-Levels but after that I don’t know. I think that I would like to continue acting if the opportunity is still there.
What did you think about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?
Matt: I really enjoyed it, I was saving it for a long train journey but couldn’t wait and finished so I had nothing to read on the train.
Do you want to be more famous or are you famous enough for now?
Matt: I’m really happy as I am. I like that fact that I can be recognised and get asked to do stuff like this but I think I would really hate to have it as bad as Dan, Rupert and Emma. I imagine that they find it really hard to go places and I don’t think I could handle that too well.
Which singer/band do you like?
Matt: Loads. Green Day, Oasis, Embrace, Guns N’ Roses, The Killers…
What advice would you give to a young aspiring actor/actress?
Matt: Don’t give up! There are a lot of talented people out there that can probably act a lot better than some of the people classed as A-List celebrities BUT it is all about the right look and if you don’t look right for the part you won’t get it. So my advice is just keep at it, go to as many auditions as you can and you’ll get that lucky break!