SnitchSeeker Interviews Matt for DH2 DVD Release Matt, what deleted scene, or scene not included in the Harry Potter movies, from any movie in the series would you have wanted in there?
Matthew Lewis: The scene I always mention is the hospital scene with Neville’s parents. We were hoping to get it in and David Yates kept coming to me and saying “we’re gonna do it, we’re gonna do it”. In the end we just didn’t have time and it was a real shame. Both of us wanted it because it really explained why Neville is as he is, why he fights the good fight and why he is so inspired to keep moving forward when all seems lost. As it was we had to squeeze Neville’s backstory into a quick scene in the Room of Requirement which increased the pressure but it worked quite nicely in the end.
SnitchSeeker: Do you feel you have grown with Neville, as he grew stronger, you grew stronger?
Matt: Yeah absolutely but that’s just a case of growing up. I’d worked with adults on a level for a long time and I, along with the others, had to mature quickly. I grew in confidence in not just myself but in my ability also. I’m quite a self-conscious person anyway – I think most actors are – so Neville’s courage inspired me just as much as it did the people watching at home.
SnitchSeeker: What scene in the Harry Potter series was the most demanding (physically or emotionally) to shoot?
Matt: The scene with Ralph Fiennes was pretty intense. I remember being proper nervous about that. A lot of pressure. In those moments though everybody just sort of melts away and you’ve got to just get in the zone, become your character and get on with it and that’s what I tried to do. You’re nervous every minute before but as soon as you hear “action” all of Matt’s inhibitions fade away and you are whoever you’re supposed to be.
SnitchSeeker: If you could play any female character from the Harry Potter films, who would it be?
Matt: What a mad question! Probably Molly Weasley because she gets some cracking lines and the final fight she has with Bellatrix looked like a right laugh.
SnitchSeeker: How did you feel when you were picked to play Neville?
Matt: Pretty chuffed to be honest. Is that an understatement? I reckon so. It’s hard to remember now but it was a real dream come true and I just remember being totally overwhelmed by it even back then before I knew what Neville was going to become.
SnitchSeeker: Are there any types of roles that you will adamantly avoid in the future? (Certain genres, character types, etc)
Matt: I’m pretty keen on not being a wizard for while. Honestly though, I’m a bloke doing a job and whatever work comes my way I’m going to seriously consider. I’d never sit here and say “I won’t do this or that,” because I’m not in a position to turn work away without thinking it through. I’m incredibly fortunate to be in a position where I’m offered stuff and that won’t last forever. I do take things pretty seriously though, and I’d make sure whatever I do is right for me at the right time and I’m not afraid to say no to stuff if I don’t think it suits.
SnitchSeeker: Who inspired you the most out of all the people you worked with on Harry Potter?
Matt: A ton of people from that job shaped my life and my craft over the last ten years, so to pick a few would probably be a great injustice, but since you’ve asked I might as well. Alan Rickman, David Yates and Daniel Radcliffe. All for various reasons and all crucial in making me what I am.
SnitchSeeker: As you were reading the books, were there any parts which you were particularly looking forward to or dreading shooting?
Matt: The parts I’m dreading shooting are invariably the parts that I’m looking forward to the most. Any scene where you have to push yourself, when you’re out of your comfort zone and working with the greatest actors Britain has to offer then you’re tense and on edge. It’s also that moment that you look forward to, it’s a challenge, it’s an experience and ultimately a more fulfilling exercise.
SnitchSeeker: Do you prefer a single Neville like in the books, or a Neville with Luna like suggested in the movies?
Matt: I’d never really considered to be honest. You think they make quite a good match when you read the books. However, I always thought it was rather convenient that any of the guys from the school ended up staying together for the rest of their lives but I guess that’s a romantic ideal and it is a children’s book! Joking apart though, I can’t really imagine Neville getting married but I suppose he’s a changed man after the battle of Hogwarts. Who knows what he could go on to achieve!
SnitchSeeker: Which one of the Deathly Hallows would you choose?
Matt: I think I’d choose the invisibility cloak. That is one of them right? Yeah, I’d choose that. The wand would be tempting, ultimate power and all that but it didn’t seem to end too well for anybody that previously owned it so I’d stick with being invisible. You’re pretty powerful if nobody can see you anyway, aren’t you?