Feltbeats.com interviews Tom Felton – The Twitter Interview (Part Three): Music and acting
FB: Well, it’s really nice that you’re actually engaging the audience, which makes following you so much more interesting! And now your friend and Harry Potter co-star, Matt Lewis, who plays Neville, is also on Twitter. Are you following him?
TF: Yeah, yeah, I am! “Mattdavelewis.” He’s actually the same as me with Twitter – he didn’t really fancy it at first, but then he got an iPhone and the rest is history. And it’s great because he and I keep in better touch because of it. Twitter is great because it helps you keep in touch with people you SHOULD be keeping in touch with.
FB: I didn’t know that much about him before, but after following him on Twitter… he’s got a really cute personality!
TF: Oh, he’s a character!
FB: Yeah, and this whole thing he’s got going on with Chris Cousins – this contest they have?
TF: Yeah, those two are a funny bunch. Have you ever heard of Ant and Dec?
FB: What? Ant and what? Ummm, I don’t think so.
TF: Basically, it’s like the English version of… I don’t know what the American version would be, like Jay Leno and Oprah together. It’s like the Ultimate British Super Duo. They present all the reality TV programs over in England. And, basically, I think Matt and Chris would be great for that. They’ll be the next big thing. I just think they’re very funny, naturally.
FB: Well, they’re getting a lot of followers; maybe they can get something started.
TF: Yeah, definitely. I’ll be looking out for some work, I tell ya. I’ll be looking out.
The Twitter Interview (Part 0): Snitchseeker Preview
FB: And doesn’t Matt Lewis play? [guitar]
TF: And Matt Lewis, yeah! I didn’t realize he jammed on the strings! He sent me a message the other day. He said, “Loved the new song; I really want the chords.” And I didn’t realize he played the guitar. That’s cool, that’s cool. We’ve got another jammer on the list.