August 2008 – Dragon Con
Transcript from the first set of videos of Matt at the Dragon*Con. Videos can be seen HERE!
If you take this PLEASE credit LewisLovers, I took a lot of time to make this.
This is from the 3 Part Interview Session
Part 1
Fan: Who have you worked with that you were really excited to meet or to work with?
Matt: Well when I was 11, the one person I wanted to meet was Rik Mayall, um, he was actually in the first film. But he was cut out. But he was there throughout the filming.
Do you know Rik Mayall? No? Okay, oh some people do. Uh he’s a British comedian on a show called Bottom, if you’ve ever heard of it.
Fan: The young ones?
Matt: The young ones, yea. He played Brick, uh and you must’ve seen Drop Dead Fred *clapping* Yea! That is Rik Mayall. He is Drop Dead Fred and he is incredibly funny. He, uh, and I wanted to meet him because Drop Dead Fred was the film I had seen and um I really wanted to meet him.
And it just happened to be that the read through was a week later and I didn’t know he was going to be in it and we got there and he was. And for no reason at all he sat next to me and he moved the name, we have name things on the table where we are supposed to sit, and he just moved his and said “I’m sitting here now” and he sat down and I was just, just “wow, this is fantastic”.
And he was talking to me, becase I was really nervous, and he said “okay, now I’m gonna give you a few tips now. You always want to get involved with the sound guy. The sound guy is a good guy to know.” I dont know why, but thats what he said to me and then he was talking about the director and he says “I think thats the director over there”. And I said *pointing* “What, that guy?” And he slapped my hand down “Don’t point, don’t ever point. Besides, *pointing* it’s that guy there.” And I was 11 years old and I thought it was the best thing ever! And that was really cool, I loved meeting Rik Mayall.
It was awesome, its just an aweful shame he got cut out, I mean I hope someday his footage gets released. Because it’s Peeves, he was really brilliant, he was *audience awwing*, yea he was Peeves. And I hope one day you get to see it because it was very funny. Probably the reason he got out is because we couldn’t do it without laughing. Its a shame, but he was great.
The *something*, Alan Rickman is *clapping*, yea, possibly the finest actor in the world, ever. That was very very cool meeting him. You know, the Sherif of Nottingham, and uh……
*clip ends*
Part 2
(i am assuming this fan is talking about Matt coughing on her the day before or something…)
Fan: ..coughing on me.
Matt: Oh no!
Fan: Because I woke up this morning and was so congested. I cannot breathe through my nose…
Matt: It’s horrible isn’t it?!…yea so now you know how I feel
Fan: Well at least now I have a fantastic souveneir that I can tell everybody about.
Matt: That will last you five weeks
Fan: Probably..ha ha ha. Oh my question is though, do you prefer playing the silly 12 year old Neville or do you prefer now the older teenager more action based Neville.
Matt: Um…yea, I prefer it now. So I, yea I am silly myself, I’m an idiot. so I’m not an actor so that was good to do that, um it was really good to be Tom Cruise for a day. It was really fun running around through the hallway just throwing spells, it was great. And I would love to do it again and hopefully number 7 will have a bit more, kindof physical stuff to do. I’m looking forward to getting the Sorting Hat and having my head set on fire. *Matt laughing* I really cant wait. I mean I’m scared of planes, but not fire. So that’s gonna be quite cool. But yea, definatley the action.
Fan: Thank you!
Matt: And if you want a cough sweet I’ve got some here. You sure? Okay.
Part 3
Fan: …about the new theme park that’s opening in Orlando
Matt: I can’t wait! I had a meeting, a few months ago actually, with the guy who’s heading up all the press for the theme park and it was like an hour long and he told me everything thats sort of going on in there. And this is really starting to annoy me. *looks up* Um, so um yea its absolutely fantastic. I can’t give anything away, unfortunatley for you, but its gonna be really..
Fan: .. I used to work there and they wouldn’t tell me.
Matt: Yea its gonna be so good, um it’s… you know when you go to a theme park that’s based on something and it’s always “yea thats a ride about…” .its not like that, you go in there and you’re like in the world of Harry Potter. Anything you see in the film you can do, literally do, and I’m sure you’re gonna love it. And yea, the scale of it is ridiculous, but it looks great.
Fan: Awesome, thank you.
Matt: No problem…
Fan: Do you know if they’ll let us wear our costumes?
Matt: No doubt, I’m sure they will, in fact they probably want it.
Fan: Let’s hope they dont *something*.
Matt: As long as I’m not flying I don’t care